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2020-02-03 15:26:05

简单的一个应用例子 ,只是简单的操作xml文件,在实际的应用上可以先建一个配置类保存状态。


1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
2  <config>
3  <function name="a" checked="false" />
4  <function name="b" checked="false" />
5  <function name="c" checked="false" />
6  <function name="d" checked="false" />
7  </config>


 1    public doc as new xmldocument
2    public rootnode as xmlelement
3    public strpathconfig as string = application.startuppath & "/config.xml"
4    public intnum as int16
5    private sub button1_click()sub button1_click(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles button1.click
6        writeconfig()
7    end sub
8    private sub form1_load()sub form1_load(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles mybase.load
9        '做准备工作
10        doc.load(strpathconfig)
11        rootnode = doc.documentelement
12        intnum = rootnode.childnodes.count - 1
13        '
14        loadconfig()
15    end sub
16    '添加到checkedlistbox
17    function loadconfig()function loadconfig()
18        dim i as int16
19        for i = 0 to intnum
20            checkedlistbox1.items.add(rootnode.childnodes(i).attributes(0).value, ctype(rootnode.childnodes(i).attributes(1).value, boolean))
21        next
22    end function
23    '确定,然后写入xml
24    function writeconfig()function writeconfig()
25        dim i as int16
26        dim str as string
27        for i = 0 to intnum
28            rootnode.childnodes(i).attributes(1).value = checkedlistbox1.getitemchecked(i).tostring
29        next
30        doc.save(strpathconfig)
31    end function
33    private sub button2_click()sub button2_click(byval sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles button2.click
34        '需要清除checkedlistbox内的items
35        checkedlistbox1.items.clear()
36        loadconfig()
37    end sub

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