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2020-02-03 14:27:16

  clientcommands表包括两个域:command_name域和command_xml域。客户端程序需要三个特定的command_name域:getcustomerlist,custorderhist和recentpurchasebycustomerid。每一个命令的command_xml域包括程序发送到getdata.asp页面的xml字符串,这样,就可以集中控制xml字符串了,就象存储过程名字所表现的意思一样,在发送xml字符串到getdata.asp之前,客户端程序使用xml dom来设置存储过程的参数值。我提供的代码,包含了用于定义initialize过程和用于创建clientcommands表的sql语句。



   option explicit
   private rcommands as recordset
   private rcustomers as recordset
   private rcust as recordset
   private scustlistcommand as string
   private const dataurl = "http://localhost/xhttprequest/getdata.asp"
   private arrcustomerids() as string
   private enum actionenum
   view_history = 0
   view_recent_product = 1
  end enum

  private sub dgcustomers_click()
   dim customerid as string
   customerid = rcustomers("customerid").value
   if customerid <> "" then
    if optaction(view_history).value then
     call getcustomerdetail(customerid)
     call getrecentproduct(customerid)
    end if
   end if
  end sub

  private sub form_load()
   call initialize
   call getcustomerlist
  end sub

  sub initialize()
   ' 从数据库返回命令名和相应的值

   dim sxml as string
   dim vret as variant
   dim f as field
   sxml = "<?xml version=""1.0""?>"
   sxml = sxml & "<command><commandtext>initialize</commandtext>"
   sxml = sxml & "<returnsdata>true</returnsdata>"
   sxml = sxml & "</command>"
   set rcommands = getrecordset(sxml)
   do while not rcommands.eof
    for each f in rcommands.fields
     debug.print f.name & "=" & f.value
  end sub

  function getcommandxml(command_name as string) as string
   rcommands.find "command_name='" & command_name & "'", , adsearchforward, 1
   if rcommands.eof then
    msgbox "cannot find any command associated with the name '" & command_name & "'."
    exit function
    getcommandxml = rcommands("command_xml")
   end if
  end function

  sub getrecentproduct(customerid as string)
   dim sxml as string
   dim xml as domdocument
   dim n as ixmldomnode
   dim productname as string
   sxml = getcommandxml("recentpurchasebycustomerid")
   set xml = new domdocument
   xml.loadxml sxml
   set n = xml.selectsinglenode("command/param[name='customerid']/value")
   n.text = customerid
   set xml = executespwithreturn(xml.xml)
   productname = xml.selectsinglenode("values/productname").text
   ' 显示text域
   txtresult.text = ""
   me.txtresult.visible = true
   dgresult.visible = false
   ' 显示product名
   txtresult.text = "最近的产品是: " & productname
  end sub

  sub getcustomerlist()
   dim sxml as string
   dim i as integer
   dim s as string
   sxml = getcommandxml("getcustomerlist")
   set rcustomers = getrecordset(sxml)
   set dgcustomers.datasource = rcustomers
  end sub

  sub getcustomerdetail(customerid as string)
   ' 找出列表中相关联的id号
   dim sxml as string
   dim r as recordset
   dim f as field
   dim s as string
   dim n as ixmldomnode
   dim xml as domdocument
   sxml = getcommandxml("custorderhist")
   set xml = new domdocument
   xml.loadxml sxml
   set n = xml.selectsinglenode("command/param[name='customerid']/value")
   n.text = customerid
   set r = getrecordset(xml.xml)
   ' 隐藏 text , 因为它是一个记录集
   txtresult.visible = false

   dgresult.visible = true
   set dgresult.datasource = r
  end sub

  function getrecordset(sxml as string) as recordset
   dim r as recordset

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