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Maya建模技术:Maya Nurbs 汽车轮胎建模(2)

2020-10-03 12:49:47
maya nurbs 汽车轮胎建模
     翻译说明: 为了让大家更能理解这个教程,我并不翻译其中一些命令,这样可以让一些初学者 ( 不是很熟悉 maya nurbs 建模命令 ) 更快找到这些命令。另:我的英文不好,所以在翻译的时候会有一些不足之处,如果有让你发笑的地方,请你给我提醒,我将更改过来 , 我的 email: chinacache@163.com.

from front view, delete bottom extruded objects (fig 11), we don't need them anymore.
next, from side view, select all of these objects (fig 12), then duplicate them.

回到前视窗 , 将下面的曲面删除掉 (fig 11), 我们不需要它 .
切换到侧视窗 , 选择所有的物体 (fig 12), 复制它们 .

fig 11

fig 12

then move these duplicated objects to about 1.5 of y axis (fig 13), and delete bottom extruded objects (fig 14)

将复制出来的物体在 y 轴上移动 1.5 的距离 (fig 13), 然后删除掉下面的物体 (fig 14)

fig 13

fig 14

select back all of duplicated objects, then put them back to 0 of y axis (fig 15)

选择所有复制出来的物体,将其在 y 轴上移回原位,即回归 0(fig 15).

fig 15

the reason i copied and deleted the original object is i don't want to have any trim information anymore (it could slow down our modeling times).

我复制出新的物体并将原物体删除掉的原因是因为我不想在关于 trim 的历史记录在物体上 ( 这样做可以加速我们的时间 ).

next, with new duplicated of object still selected, go to edit duplicate > option box , and apply these duplicate settings (fig 16), hit duplicate, then you will have these duplicated rotation objects (fig 17)

接下来 , 将所有物体选择,复制它们,复制的属性如 (fig 16), 我们可得到如 (fig 17) 所示的物体 .

fig 16

fig 17

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