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2020-06-07 13:09:43
在Linux系统可以运行魔兽世界吗?可以,你需要使用可以让Windows程序在Linux系统上运行的软件。目前让魔兽世界运行在Linux系统的方 法包括:使用Cedega收费软件;或者在Ubuntu Linux上使用Wine软件,这需要经过许多设置。此外,根据 DesktopLinux 的报道,CodeWeavers公司正使其CrossOver Office软件能容易安装和运行魔兽世界。他们还想建立一个叫做CrossOver的公会,使用Linux企鹅作为徽章。

World of Warcraft on Linux?

It's always been possible to run most Windows games on Linux. You just have to pay a monthly subscription fee to TransGaming Technologies for Cedega. You could also, with a lot of work, run that hottest of Windows games, World of Warcraft (WoW), on Ubuntu with WINE. Now, however, CodeWeavers is working on making it possible for CrossOver Office users to easily install and run WoW on a multitude of Linux distributions.

In a recent note to CodeWeavers supporters, Jessica Nunn, the CodeWeavers support ombudsman, wrote, "Recent improvements in Wine have allowed CrossOver to run WoW (World of Warcraft). As a result, we at CodeWeavers have been 'testing' that particular application. Extensively. Perhaps too extensively."
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