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2020-07-28 14:02:29


下面是代码部分(这里你可以根据需要改变蛇头和身体还有食物的图片,然后默认的样式是使用纯颜色的如果没有更改我的背景图片的话------改这些图开始是想搞笑一下朋友哈哈哈,请不要在意哈),还有操作键是使用 ↑ ↓ ← → )

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head lang="en">  <meta charset="UTF-8">  <title>贪食蛇</title>  <style>    .map {      width: 800px;      height: 600px;      background-color: #ccc;      position: relative;      left: 50%;      transform: translate(-50%);    }    #dv {      color: whitesmoke;      font-weight: 700;      text-align: center;      line-height: 50px;      width: 150px;      height: 50px;      position: absolute;      background-color: orange;      border-radius: 10px;      top: 50%;      left: 50%;      transform: translate(-50%);      cursor: pointer;    }  </style></head><body>  <div class="map">    <div >开始游戏</div>  </div>  <script>    //食物:是一个对象,有宽,有高,有颜色,有横纵坐标    //自调用函数    (function () {      var element = []; //用来保存每个小方块食物的      function Food(x, y, width, height, color) {        this.x = x || 0;        this.y = y || 0;        this.width = width || 20;        this.height = height || 20;        this.color = color || "green";      }      //为原型添加初始化的方法(作用:在页面上显示这个食物)      //因为食物要在地图上显示,所以,需要地图的这个参数(map--就是页面上的.class=map的这个div)      Food.prototype.init = function (map) {        //先删除这个小食物        //外部无法访问,此函数在自调用函数里面        remove();        //创建div        var div = document.createElement("div");        //把div加到map里面        map.appendChild(div);        //获取div的样式        div.style.width = this.width + "px";        div.style.height = this.height + "px";        div.style.backgroundColor = this.color;        //脱离文档流        div.style.position = "absolute";        //横纵坐标先停止----随机产生        this.x = parseInt(Math.random() * (map.offsetWidth / this.width)) * this.width;        this.y = parseInt(Math.random() * (map.offsetHeight / this.height)) * this.height;        div.style.left = this.x + "px";        div.style.top = this.y + "px";        //把div加入element数组中        element.push(div);        //改变食物的样式---改成自己喜欢的东西        div.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + "../images/shi.png" + ")";        div.style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repaet";        div.style.backgroundSize = "cover";      };      //私有函数      function remove() {        for (var i = 0; i < element.length; i++) {          var ele = element[i];          //找到这个子元素的父级元素,然后删除这个子元素          ele.parentNode.removeChild(ele);          //再次把element中的这个子元素删除          element.splice(i, 1);        }      }      //把Food暴露给window,外部可以使用      window.Food = Food;    }());    //自调用函数---小蛇    (function () {      //存放小蛇的每个身体部分      var element = [];      //小蛇的构造函数      function Snake(width, height, driection) {        this.width = width || 20;        this.height = height || 20;        //小蛇的身体        this.body = [{            x: 3,            y: 2,            color: "red"          },          {            x: 2,            y: 2,            color: "orange"          },          {            x: 1,            y: 2,            color: "orange"          }        ];        //方向        this.driection = driection || "right";      }      //为原型添加方法---小蛇初始化的方法      Snake.prototype.init = function (map) {        //先删除之前的小蛇        remove();        //循环遍历创建div        for (var i = 0; i < this.body.length; i++) {          //数组中的每个数组元素都是一个对象          var obj = this.body[i];          //创建div          var div = document.createElement("div");          //把div加入地图map中          map.appendChild(div);          //设置div的样式          div.style.position = "absolute";          div.style.width = this.width + "px";          div.style.height = this.height + "px";          //横纵坐标          div.style.left = obj.x * this.width + "px";          div.style.top = obj.y * this.height + "px";          //背景颜色          div.style.backgroundColor = obj.color;          //方向还没定          //把div加入到element数组中---目的是为了删除          //把div加入数组中          element.push(div);          //更改头部的----变成图片          if (i == 0) {            div.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + "../images/tou_03.png" + ")";            div.style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repaet";            div.style.backgroundSize = "cover";          }          //更改尾巴的样式照片          if (i != 0) {            div.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + "../images/shi.png" + ")";            div.style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repaet";            div.style.backgroundSize = "cover";          }        }      };      //为原型添加方法---小蛇动起来      Snake.prototype.move = function (food, map) {        var i = this.body.length - 1;        for (; i > 0; i--) {          this.body[i].x = this.body[i - 1].x;          this.body[i].y = this.body[i - 1].y;        }        //判断方向---改变小蛇的头的坐标位置        switch (this.driection) {          case "left":            this.body[0].x -= 1;            break;          case "right":            this.body[0].x += 1;            break;          case "top":            this.body[0].y -= 1;            break;          case "bottom":            this.body[0].y += 1;            break;        }        //判断有没有吃到食物        //小蛇的头的坐标和食物的坐标一致        var headX = this.body[0].x * this.width;        var headY = this.body[0].y * this.height;        //判断小蛇的头和食物坐标是否相同        if (headX == food.x && headY == food.y) {          //获取小蛇的最后的尾巴          var last = this.body[this.body.length - 1];          //把最后的蛇尾复制一个,重新的加入到小蛇的body中          this.body.push({            x: last.x,            y: last.y,            color: last.color          });          //把食物删除,重新初始化食物          food.init(map);        }      };      //删除小蛇的私有函数      function remove() {        //获取数组        var i = element.length - 1;        for (; i >= 0; i--) {          var ele = element[i];          //从map地图上删除这个子元素div          ele.parentNode.removeChild(ele);          element.splice(i, 1);        }      }      window.Snake = Snake;    }());    //自调用函数---游戏对象    (function () {      var that = null;      //游戏的构造函数      function game(map) {        this.food = new Food(); //食物对象        this.snake = new Snake(); //小蛇对象        this.map = map; //地图        that = this;      }      game.prototype.init = function () {        //初始化游戏        //食物初始化        this.food.init(this.map);        //小蛇初始化        this.snake.init(this.map);        that = this;        document.getElementById("dv").onclick = function () {          document.getElementById("dv").style.display = "none";          //调用小蛇移动的方法          that.runSnake(that.food, that.map);          //调用按键的方法          that.bindKey();        }.bind(that);      };      //添加原型方法---设置小蛇可以自动跑起来      game.prototype.runSnake = function (food, map) {        //自动的去移动        var time = 90;        var fn = function () {          //此时this是window          //移动小蛇          this.snake.move(food, map);          //初始化小蛇          this.snake.init(map);          //横坐标的最大值          var maxX = map.offsetWidth / this.snake.width;          //纵坐标的最大值          var maxY = map.offsetHeight / this.snake.height;          //小蛇的头的坐标          var headX = this.snake.body[0].x;          var headY = this.snake.body[0].y;          //判断 横坐标 有没撞墙          if (headX < 0 || headX >= maxX) {            //撞墙停止定时器            clearInterval(timeId);            alert("游戏结束");            location.reload();          }          //判断 纵坐标 有没撞墙          if (headY < 0 || headY >= maxY) {            clearInterval(timeId);            alert("游戏结束");            location.reload();          }          //判断 小蛇的头部 有没有 撞到自己          for (let i = 1; i < this.snake.body.length; i++) {            let x = this.snake.body[i].x;            let y = this.snake.body[i].y;            if (headX === x && headY === y) {              clearInterval(timeId);              alert("游戏结束");              location.reload();            }          }          //增加游戏难度,判断 到达一定数量的时候 加速          switch (true) {            case 5 <= this.snake.body.length && this.snake.body.length <= 10:              clearInterval(timeId);              time = 60;              timeId = setInterval(fn, time);              break;            case 10 <= this.snake.body.length && this.snake.body.length <= 15:              clearInterval(timeId);              time = 40;              timeId = setInterval(fn, time);              break;            case 15 <= this.snake.body.length:              clearInterval(timeId);              time = 30;              timeId = setInterval(fn, time);              break;          }          console.log(this.snake.body.length + "--" + "time:" + time);        }.bind(that);        //定时器小蛇自运动        var timeId = setInterval(fn, time);      };      //添加原型方法---设置用户按键,改变小蛇移动的方向      game.prototype.bindKey = function () {        //获取用户的按键,改变小蛇的移动方向        document.addEventListener("keydown", function (e) {          //获取按键的值并进行判断是,改变小蛇移动的方向          switch (e.keyCode) {            //没有bind方法时此时的this指向的是documen            case 37:              if (this.snake.driection != "right") {                this.snake.driection = "left";              }              break;            case 38:              if (this.snake.driection != "bottom") {                this.snake.driection = "top";              }              break;            case 39:              if (this.snake.driection != "left") {                this.snake.driection = "right";              }              break;            case 40:              if (this.snake.driection != "top") {                this.snake.driection = "bottom";              }              break;          }        }.bind(that), false);      };      //把game暴露给window,外部就可以访问game对象      window.game = game;    }());    //初始化游戏对象    var gm = new game(document.querySelector(".map"));    //初始化游戏---开始游戏    gm.init();  </script></body></html>
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