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2020-07-28 13:44:55



#!/usr/bin/env python3# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"""Created on Tue Nov 26 15:26:58 2019@author: root"""def menu():  print('choice'.center(50,'-'))  msg = '''  1. home  2. finance  3. book  4. exit  '''  print(msg)  print("".center(50,'-')) def login(login_flat,choice):  if not login_flat:    while True:      username = str(input("username:"))      password = str(input("password:"))      if choice == '1':        home()        with open('jingdong.txt','r') as f1:          for line in f1:            element = line.split(" ",1)            print(element[0])            print(element[1])            if username.strip() == element[0].strip() and password.strip() == element[1].strip():              print("log in successful!")              return True            print("failed to log in!,try it again!")      elif choice == '2':        finance()        with open('weixin.txt','r') as f2:          for line in f1:            element = line.split(" ",1)            if username.strip() == element[0].strip() and password.strip() == element[1].strip():              print("log in successful!")              return True            print("failed to log in!,try it again!")         elif choice == '3':        book()        with open('jingdong.txt','r') as f3:          for line in f3:            element = line.split(" ",1)            if username.strip() == element[0].strip() and password.strip() == element[1].strip():              print("log in successful!")              return True            print("failed to log in!,try it again!")                else:    print("You have logged in before!")    return True#@login(login_flat,choice)            def home():  print("home.....")#@login(login_flat,choice) def finance():  print("finance.....")#@login(login_flat,choice) def book():  print("book.....")  login_flag = Falsewhile True:  menu()  choice = input("your choice:")  if choice == '1':    login_flag = login(login_flag,choice)  elif choice == '2':    login_flag = login(login_flag,choice)  elif choice == '3':    login_flag = login(login_flag,choice)  elif choice == '4':    print('bye-bye')    break  else:    print("wrong input ,try it again!")


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