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uploadify:Some files were not added to the queue: The file xxx" is empty.

2023-06-15 18:10:22

2015-8-18更新:其实是firefox自己搞的,要去掉“启用adobe flash保护模式”复选框,重启firefox后才行。建议firefox还是不要用uploadify,不是每个用户都会设置firefox 的shockwave  flash插件这个配置。

uploadify:Some files were not added to the queue: The file xxx" is empty.


uploadify:Some files were not added to the queue: The file xxx" is empty.

取消勾选“启用adobe flash保护模式”。

  使用uploadify选择文件上传时,报错:Some files were not added to the queue: The file xxx" is empty.。

uploadify:Some files were not added to the queue: The file xxx" is empty.

  upload出现“Some files were not added to the queue: The file xxx" is empty.。”错误是flash版本太低的问题,有漏洞被firefox自动禁用的问题,将flash升级下就行了。(同一个版本的flash在其他浏览器如IE,chrome下可以上传文件,就是firefox不行,需要升级。)

uploadify:Some files were not added to the queue: The file xxx" is empty.

  由于防火墙的问题,直接点击插件里面立即更新是更新不了的,被防火墙拦截了,需要开vpn翻墙才能升级,或者去flash官网去下载安装包后安装。如下图所示,flash升级为18.0.0.232最新版本后,firefox选择文件就不会提示“Some files were not added to the queue: The file xxx" is empty.”错误了。

uploadify:Some files were not added to the queue: The file xxx" is empty.

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