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Oracle flashback buffer参数研究

2023-06-04 17:07:39

我们知道在Oracle 10g中,如果数据库启用flashback功能,Oracle即在shared pool中分配flashback buffer,以下是Oracle部分启动日志,可以清楚的看到flashback buffer在shared pool分配了3981204 bytes。


  Wed Dec 30 15:20:40 2009
  Allocated 3981204 bytes in shared pool for flashback generation buffer
  Starting background process RVWR
  RVWR started with pid=16, OS id=724

  同样在数据字典中也可以看到flashback buffer的大小:


  SQL> select name,bytes from V$sgastat
  2  where pool=’shared pool’
  3  and name like ‘%flash%’;
  NAME                            BYTES
  ————————– ———-
  flashback generation buff     3981204

  当flashback buffer空间紧张时,可能会出现flashback buf free by RVWR等待事件,Oracle并没有提供参数调节flashback buffer,对于高吞吐量,并发量系统初始大小并不能满足系统要求

  目前系统中log_buffer大小为7012352 bytes,将其改为10M,重启数据库,观察flashback buffer变化。


  SQL> show parameter log_buffer
  NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
  ———————————— ———– ——————————
  log_buffer                           integer     7012352
  SQL> alter system set log_buffer=10000000 scope=spfile;
  System altered.
  SQL> select name,bytes from V$sgastat
  2  where pool=’shared pool’
  3  and name like ‘%flash%’;
  NAME                                BYTES
  —————————— ———-
  flashback generation buff         3981204
  SQL> startup force
  ORACLE instance started.
  Total System Global Area  536870912 bytes
  Fixed Size                  1262764 bytes
  Variable Size             155192148 bytes
  Database Buffers          369098752 bytes
  Redo Buffers               11317248 bytes
  Database mounted.
  Database opened.

  SQL> select name,bytes from V$sgastat
  2  where pool=’shared pool’
  3  and name like ‘%flash%’;
  NAME                                BYTES
  —————————— ———-
  flashback generation buff         3981204
  可以看到flashback generation buff大小并没有发生变化。


  SQL> set linesize 120
  SQL> col name for a40 trunc
  SQL> col value for a20
  SQL> col pdesc for a50 trunc
  SQL> SELECT x.ksppinm NAME, y.ksppstvl VALUE, x.KSPPDESC PDESC
  2    FROM SYS.x$ksppi x, SYS.x$ksppcv y
  3  WHERE x.indx = y.indx AND x.ksppinm LIKE ‘%&par%’;
  Enter value for par: flashback
  old   3: WHERE x.indx = y.indx AND x.ksppinm LIKE ‘%&par%’
  new   3: WHERE x.indx = y.indx AND x.ksppinm LIKE ‘%flashback%’
  NAME                                     VALUE                PDESC
  —————————————- ——————– ————————————————–
  db_flashback_retention_target            1440                 Maximum Flashback Database log retention time in m
  _validate_flashback_database             FALSE                Scan database to validate result of flashback data
  _flashback_allow_noarchivelog            FALSE                Allow enabling flashback on noarchivelog database
  _verify_flashback_redo                   TRUE                 Verify that the redo logs needed for flashback are
  _flashback_verbose_info                  FALSE                Print verbose information about flashback database
  _flashback_logfile_enqueue_timeout       600                  flashback logfile enqueue timeout for opens          _flashback_bar rier_interval              1800                 Flashback barrier interval in seconds
_flashback_standby_barrier_interval      1800                 Flashback standby barrier interval in seconds
_flashback_fuzzy_barrier                 TRUE                 Use flashback fuzzy barrier
_flashback_log_size                      1000                 Flashback log size
 _flashback_log_min_size                  100                  Minimum flashback log size

 NAME                                     VALUE                PDESC
  —————————————- ——————– ————————————————–
  _flashback_copy_latches                  10                   Number of flashback copy latches
  _flashback_n_log_per_thread              128                  Desired number of flashback logs per flashback thr
  _flashback_max_n_log_per_thread          2048                 Maximum number of flashback logs per flashback thr
  _flashback_generation_buffer_size        134193152            flashback generation buffer size
  _flashback_max_log_size                  0                    Maximum flashback log size in bytes (OS limit)
  _flashback_log_io_error_behavior   0                    Specify Flashback log I/O error behavior
_flashback_hint_barrier_percent          20                   Flashback hint barrier percent
_percent_flashback_buf_partial_full      50                   Percent of flashback buffer filled to be considere
  _flashback_write_size_qm                 4                    Desired flashback write size in quarter MB
  20 rows selected.

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