标题:PHP Socket工具包nanoserv 2.1.0介绍
日期:2023-05-10 19:33:09

Nanoserv 是PHP 5.1 以及以上版本下的一个socket 守护进程的工具包。

它100%面向对象的,支持TCP with SSL/TLS 和 UDP 连接,高性能的鲁棒设计,多路传输和分叉听众,处理原料连接,线路输入的HTTP,SMTP,XML - RPC的,透明的跨系统日志与叉处理过程中的通信等等。


(1) 支持 Unix sockets

(2) 写缓冲优化

(3)telnet 协议处理

(4) 基于 JSON_RPC 的服务器类

(5) 更好的处理 TLS/SSL 加密错误

(6) 修复不少的bug和错误


Nanoserv is a server daemon framework for PHP 5.1+

It is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License.

It's a complete rewrite of the shadok sockets PHP4 library (the one behind phpos and sh4re).

It may also become - one day - the core of nanoweb 3.0

Nanoserv main features include :

It is designed to work with PHP 5.1 but you will need PHP 5.3+ to take advantage of some features like namespaces.

Any feedback, ideas, help for documentation writing or beta-testing, would be greatly appreciated !

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