日期:2020-02-10 17:55:26


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

use DBI;
use Getopt::Std;

use vars qw(%opts);
my ($user,$host,$db,$help) = parse_args(/%opts);

USAGE() and exit unless $user and $host and $db and not $help;

my $table = join(' ',@ARGV);
open(DUMP, "mysqldump -u $user -p -h $host $db $table |");
my $sql = do {local $/; };

$sql =~ s/^#.*$//mg; # chokes on comments
$sql =~ s/auto_increment//g; # on 'auto_increment'
$sql =~ s/TYPE=/w ;/;/g; # and on 'TYPE=____'
$sql =~ s///'/''/g; # and on escaped '

my @table = $sql =~ /CREATE/s TABLE/s (/w )/g;
print "creating tables: ",join(' ',@table),"/n";

my $dbh = DBI->connect(


sub parse_args {
my %opt = %{ shift};
return @opt{qw(u s d h)};

sub USAGE {print "USAGE: $0 -u user -s server(host) -d database/n"}


=head1 NAME

mysql2sqlite.pl - MySQL database migration script


This is a simple Perl DBI script for use with the MySQL
and SQLite database drivers. The script opens a pipe to
the mysqldump program to retrieve CREATE and INSERT
statements for the specified tables. This data is then
munged to conform with SQLite, and then fed to a dbm
file named the same as the database.


./mysql2sqlite.pl -u user -s host -d dbase table1 table2 table3

This will create a dbm named 'dbase.dbm' with three tables
(table1, table2, table3) provided that they all exist in
the MySQL database. If tables are not supplied, then ALL
TABLES in the database will be migrated. If a table already
exists in the dbm file, then the script will stop execution
before that table's data is migrated (simplicity vs.
robustness, i chose simplicity).


Mi casa su casa, but if you get hurt or someone gets hurt
from this casa, then it's your casa, not mine.

sub JeffasMysql2SQLite {
my @Ssql = split //n/,shift(@_);
my %index;
my @tablename;

for my $sql( @Ssql ){
push @tablename, $1 if $sql =~ m/create /s table /s (/w ) /i

$sql =~ s/^#.*$//mg; # chokes on comments
$sql =~ s{^/s*?(KEY(?:/s*/w /s*)?/(.*)}{
push @{$index{$tablename[-1]}},$1;
$sql =~ s/auto_increment//ig; # on 'auto_increment'
$sql =~ s/UNSIGNED//ig;
$sql =~ s/TYPE=/w ;/;/gi; # and on 'TYPE=____'
$sql =~ s///'/''/g; # and on escaped '

$sql =~ s{^/s*?(/w )/s (?:SET|ENUM)/((.*)$}{ SetOrEnumToVarcha
r($1,$2); }exig;

my $ret = join "/n",@Ssql;

for my $tablename( @tablename ){

for my $ix( @{ $index{$tablename} } ){
$ix=~ s/[,/s] $//;

if( $ix =~ //bKEY/((/w )/)/i ) {
$ret.=" CREATE INDEX $1 on $tablename ($1);/n";
} elsif( $ix =~ //bKEY/s (/w )/s /((.*?)/z/i ) {
$ret.=" CREATE INDEX $1 on $tablename ($2;/n";

return $ret;

sub SetOrEnumToVarchar {
my( $name, $val ) = @_;
my $end = substr $val, rindex($val,')') 1;
$val = substr $val, 0, rindex($val,')') - 1;
my $q = substr $val, 0, 1, "";
( $val ) = sort {
$b <=> $a
} map {


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;

use DBI;
use Getopt::Std;

use vars qw(%opts);
my ($user,$host,$db,$help) = parse_args(/%opts);

USAGE() and exit unless $user and $host and $db and not $help;

my $table = join(' ',@ARGV);
open(DUMP, "mysqldump -u $user -p -h $host $db $table |");
my $sql = do {local $/; };

$sql =~ s/^#.*$//mg; # chokes on comments
$sql =~ s/auto_increment//g; # on 'auto_increment'
$sql =~ s/TYPE=/w ;/;/g; # and on 'TYPE=____'
$sql =~ s///'/''/g; # and on escaped '

my @table = $sql =~ /CREATE/s TABLE/s (/w )/g;
print "creating tables: ",join(' ',@table),"/n";

my $dbh = DBI->connect(


sub parse_args {
my %opt = %{ shift};
return @opt{qw(u s d h)};

sub USAGE {print "USAGE: $0 -u user -s server(host) -d database/n"}


=head1 NAME

mysql2sqlite.pl - MySQL database migration script


This is a simple Perl DBI script for use with the MySQL
and SQLite database drivers. The script opens a pipe to
the mysqldump program to retrieve CREATE and INSERT
statements for the specified tables. This data is then
munged to conform with SQLite, and then fed to a dbm
file named the same as the database.


./mysql2sqlite.pl -u user -s host -d dbase table1 table2 table3

This will create a dbm named 'dbase.dbm' with three tables
(table1, table2, table3) provided that they all exist in
the MySQL database. If tables are not supplied, then ALL
TABLES in the database will be migrated. If a table already
exists in the dbm file, then the script will stop execution
before that table's data is migrated (simplicity vs.
robustness, i chose simplicity).


Mi casa su casa, but if you get hurt or someone gets hurt
from this casa, then it's your casa, not mine.

} split /$q,$q/, $val;

#warn "/n/t/tname $name/n/t/t val $val/n/t/t end $end/n/t/t q $q/n/t
return "$name VARCHAR($val) $end";

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